How To Set Up Your Rent-to-Rent Property Business Now (HMO & SA)
My foundation is now firmly set up, and I have just reached a total of over 30 deals. Recently, I decided to go back over my last 18-month property journey and analyse what I have done to date. How I set-up my business, the challenges, the positives, and streamline it for you into 12 simple steps.
My First Rent-to-Rent HMO Property Investment Deal
With all the craziness happening in the world right now, and all the disruption, I think it's more important than ever to get your finances in order. Financial independence is about taking back control, not being a victim to the rat race.
Why I Rent Where I Live & Buy Cash-Flowing Investment Property Instead?
My mantra is to become financially independent today not in 25 years, this is not possible through purchasing one property and paying it off over a long period of time.
The Power Of Creative Cashflow
I share the power of Creative Cashflow and how after running out of money, I turned to a "Hybrid Approach" of Rent-to-Rent to generate more passive income.
My First Investment Property
It took me around six months to find my first three-bed mini HMO, I remember tirelessly searching for the perfect deal using the knowledge from the courses I had attended…
What Is Cashflow?
There’s a real lack of education at school around finance and how to manage your money. At University, even though I was studying business there was still a huge gap….
How Property Changed My Life
I’m Simon and a few years ago I decided that I wanted to make a change. I wanted to create a passive and recurring income to support me and my family…