5 Ways To Keep Tenants Happy

Happy tenant, happy life.

Discover five ways to keep your tenants happy…

It’s not always easy, but if you get it right and achieve a good relationship with your tenants, it will make everyone’s life easier.

So let’s get straight into it with point number one:

1. Care about your tenants

Caring for your tenants goes a long way, and a keyword that rings home for me is gratitude. Sometimes I find myself losing care, or sometimes a team member. In these situations, I remind myself to be grateful. You need to remember that the tenants provide us cash flow, which ultimately gives us our freedom as property investors. 

2. Over-deliver 

That means you’ve got to make sure that you deliver on your promises, be honest and be proactive with your tenants. Make sure they feel valued and provide top-notch service. 

3. Over-communicate

It’s essential to check in with your tenants, ask them how they are getting on in the house. Are they mixing well with housemates? Is the property ok?

You’ll be surprised how many tenants are happy to live with a leak for months, and you only find out once you see the damage. I know it’s tempting to keep a hands-off approach, but get a member of your team to check in with them from time to time.  

The is a balance, though! If you over-communicate too much, your tenants will start talking to you about light bulbs, broken blinds and other minor stuff they may not have raised otherwise. You can create extra work, but over the long run, over-communicating is always good. 

Listen to this weeks episode to discover the final two ways to keep your tenants happy…

Available on iTunes, Google, Spotify and others or click “play” on the player below!

Podcast Transcript

Happy tenant, happy life on today's show. I'm going to be sharing five ways to keep your tenants happy.

[00:00:10] I'm Simon. And a few years ago, I decided I wanted to make a change. I wanted to create a passive reoccurring income to support me and my family today. And a legacy for the future, a future fast forward two years, and I've managed to generate over 10,000 pounds worth of monthly passive income. I've set up the business, scaled the business, and now I've systemized the business to free up my time.

[00:00:40] So join me to find out how I've done it. How well does it do it every day and how you can do it too.

[00:01:02] Simon here. And on today's episode, I'm going to be sharing with you five ways to keep your tenants happy. Yeah, that's right. It's not always easy, but if you can get it right and have a good relationship with them, it's going to make everyone's life. Easy. If you're brand new to the podcast, I'm Simon and three years ago, I decided I needed to make a change.

[00:01:28] I was reliant on income that was opened down or unpredictable. I didn't feel like my own, my family's future was secure. And I was like, something's got to. I was tired of being in the rat race and having to do stuff that I didn't always want to do. And I decided I needed to do something else and don't get me wrong.

[00:01:53] I still do music. I love love music. And if you want to hear more about my story, check out how property changed my life episode, number one on the podcast, but I knew I needed to buy it. Cashflow. And that's what I've done. We've property and it's completely transformed my life and you can do it too straight into today's episode is going to be short and sweet.

[00:02:17] Five ways to keep your tenants happy. Number one care bash re actually care about your tenants. It goes a long way and a key word that sort of really rings home for me is gratitude. Sometimes I find myself being in a, um, losing care. Should we say, uh, or team members sometimes. And I think to myself, be grateful, like, remember these tenants are providing us cashflow, which gives us freedom.

[00:02:50] So I think it's really important just to remember that and keep that at the front of your mind so that you don't go mental and you keep good relationships. Number two, over-deliver. That means you've got to make sure that you make good on your word and you do the most, to be honest, if you don't get lazy, cause sometimes it's easy to sort of, you know, there's two things you should have done at the end of the refurb and you didn't get round to them.

[00:03:20] And six months later they're still not done. So make sure. That you deliver a top notch service over-deliver that will keep tenants happy and that will make them feel like they are valued. Number three, over communicate. That means it's far better to check in and over-communicate is everything good? Are you getting on with your house mates?

[00:03:45] Is the property. Are there any leaks, you'll be surprised how many tents live with leaks for months, don't tell you, and then you see the property and this damage. So as much as you want to be hands-off and passive, try and check in with them or get a member of your team to check in with them ever so often.

[00:04:05] Even if it is via email, just to see how they're getting on. Now, this is a funny one, because if you over-communicate too much, They'll start talking to you about light bulbs and broken blinds and minus stuff that they may not have raised. So you could create work for yourself. But in the long run over-communicating is always good.

[00:04:30] Number four prevention is better than the cure. In other words, be picky on which tenants you choose. Because one bad decision or one miss reference or one sort of lazy check, you could inherit a bad tenant. And once you've got a bad tenant, it's very, very hard to get them out. So follow your gut and make sure that you do your references and checks and you feel confident that they're going to be good.

[00:04:59] Um, a lot of people don't know this, but say for example, you offer a tenant a six month AST agreement. Some people assume that at the end of that agreement, the tenant has to leave and it doesn't work like that. You actually have to serve a notice. Um, the most common one is section 21. And that basically at the moment, I believe is four months notice.

[00:05:23] So let's say after five months you wanted a six month tenancy tenant to leave. You would have to serve them four months. Notice. If they wanted to leave at the end of six months, then they could, but if they didn't, they wouldn't have to leave. So really important to choose the right tenants and get your registration.

[00:05:41] Right. Um, and if you want more information on that, I will put a link in the description of this podcast, to the N R L a that I've got some amazing bits and bobs in there. You should check it out and last but not least patients. Yep. Sometimes you've just got a second. Bite your tongue and be patient. And remember be grateful because at the end of the day, these tenants are our customers and you know what they say, the customer is always right.

[00:06:14] Hope you found this useful. Do me a favor, DM me on Instagram. Find the post, find the post, the podcast post. Let me know your thoughts. Let me know how you keep your tenants happy or any tenant experiences you've got and remember whatever you do. Don't wait 25 years. Get crave.

[00:06:45] Thanks for listening. For more information, check out Simon Smith, online.com. See you next time.


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